Friday, September 01, 2006

A New Episode

Here we are again, back to square one. Did we forget something? Did we learn anything? Well lets look and see I suppose. Does the morning bird get the worm? (smile) Ahh enough of that shit i suppose. I'm here basically in a state of mind thats so whats the word for it? Meaningless is the word that comes to mine but slang usually associates it with "Bullshit."
One thing though, I was once an open plain, but with conflicts and wars on my surface, I became barren. Waste. Now equate that with that of a human and then witness forces at play. I became an animal, a dark animal with an appetite for causing trouble. Causing unease in others, I became even lower than an animal. I strived for my own destruction of my mind, Insanity, thats what became of me... (Pre Episode 1)

But then being crushed under what I had done, what I had said, what I felt, a new entity approached me, took me under his wing so to say for only two days. Within those two days, I turned away from my twisted outta control self. Slowly, I started coming around. I began to find happiness again, none of that hurtful happiness. I found something that gives me joy again. (Pre Ep 1)

Now... I find myself in one hell of a situation. I could go a multitude of different ways and each with their perks/consequences. And so I would like to note, with either direction I take...A new episode will be the period to the last one and start up a completly new one.